Stick me with the pointy end, just let me know the truth...
Fri Dec 30, 2022 - 229 Words
On the 23th December I got a call from Aarhus University Hospital sarcoma department. This was the day before Christmas as we in Denmark celebrate, exchange gifts and dance around the tree on the 24th. The 25 & 26th are reserved for Christmas celebration, known as Julefrokost at family or friends places. The call informed me that I been on a multidisciplinary conference, just a fancy way of saying multiple people with different specialties look at the same pictures and patient journal and discus the case. They wanted to have a clear idea of what we are dealing with, so they would like a biopsy. This is done with a doctor locating the tumor with ultrasound, guided by CT and MRIscans. When they locate the tumor, in my case hitting a 5x5x7cm is not that hard, they give local anesthesia. When they confirm the anasthesia is working, they make a small incision and use the opening for the biopsy needle. The needle is not so much a needle, but rather a holedigger that drives into the flesh and pull back a flesh core, leaving the layers intact. I could not feel a thing and it was all over after 10 mins. Then came the hard part, you have to lie still on you back for 4 hours, to make sure the wound don’t open inside and cause a bleed.