
Write Hugo posts from a phone/tablet on the go

So I’ve been looking at how to write posts on the go in Hugo. My setup is having a Nextcloud folder with the Hugo binary and the entire website alongside. This means I’ve have version control on all the files, courtesy of Nextcloud and have a version of Hugo I know works with my structure. I’ve never experience Hugo making breaking changes when upgrading, but on the off change it did, I will be able to continue updating my site until I was ready to implement changes required for new version of Hugo. For at static site generator the security implications of running an outdated Hugo version is in my opinion nonexistent. ...

Hello Hugo - a new webpage in the works

I’ve been rebuilding my webpage using the static page generator Hugo. My aim is to make a lightning fast webpage that only loads the bare essentials. This naturally relying on a lot of css being supported by the different browser, but by using HTML5 i hope to end up with at site that’s readable even if the css fails to load. Hugo comes with alot of help builtin, it creates sitemaps, headers, footers and the like out of the box. Changing the name of a post, HUGO will handle the internal route and change the link all the places it need to be changed. ...